Saturday, November 18

Uodate & exams


Right a quick update. Had my exam on Thursdays & that went pretty well, I finished both questions & added appropriate theory & theology & used the format from Ian etc. I think I've done ok, but will have to wait & see.

Then had an evening with Jennie which was cool. However, we both felt like pooh & so crawled home feeling sorry for myself!

Friday was a day of sleep mostly. I did the group in the evening, but felt like I should have been resting still & managed to lose my temper more easily then was strictly necessary.

Right now I'm sat listening to Andy Hickford at Youthwork The Conference in Eastbourne in a big theatre - bizzare!

1 comment:

Brandileigha said...

Hi. I'm stealing your Dave Grohl pic.

That's all!
